Adorn Yourself in Uniqueness: Nature-Inspired Jewelry

We live in such a manufactured world. Most of the things we own are not unique; they are processed and produced in bulk. Even the pieces we want to have a connection to, like jewelry or clothing, are similar to many of the other products readily available on department store shelves and magazines. When looking for something special – something out of the ordinary – coming across affordable custom or unique handcrafted jewelry can be a satisfying find.

Inspiration is the source of power behind all craftsmen. For some, it is the fascination with a certain subject. For others, it is a preoccupation with the style of a bygone era. For others still, nature is an endless source of beauty, from the brilliant plumes of avian color to the diamond-like sparkles atop a glistening lake. Artisans and craftsmen, subject to their individual interpretation, transform ordinary materials into inspired works of art that are reminiscent of their various muses.

Jewelry Designer Grant Searcey of Searcey Designs and More in Dahlonega, Ga. follows one philosophy when making his designs: be unique. A favorite of his, Searcey’s “Organika” collection, showcases his love of nature with pieces crafted by his inspiration of birds of paradise and tea blossoms. Grant, a successful painter who showcases nationally, explains, “I like incorporating different shapes that I see in nature and making them into wearable art. I want to make something beautiful that you don’t see everywhere else.” He continues, “The consumer has so many options of how to adorn themselves with jewelry. I want to offer people something that makes them say, ‘Oh, Wow!’ ”

Many artisans who make crafts with their hands start off by sketching their visions onto paper. Grant and his wife Mindy take their creation process one step further. All jewelry created by the Searceys are handmade through a process of producing a wax mold (from a sketch) that will then be used to create castings. The castings are then used to reproduce the design.

One of the most popular pieces the Searceys produce is part of the “Affirmation” collection. Grant explains that Mindy began making jewelry because she had certain beliefs and values that she “wanted to drive home.” She stamps each letter with a hammer hit into metal. “It’s hard, and it’s permanent,” says Grant. The affirmation bars have become a huge success and have gained the Searceys recognition on “The Today Show,” Life & Style Magazine, and various popular blogs.

Uniqueness is a driving force behind the success of many businesses, and the 8-year old Searcey Designs, LLC is proof positive of what love, passion, inspiration and talent can achieve. Nestled in the scenic Dahlonega town square, the store has brought “American artisan jewelry,” previously reserved for major cities like Atlanta or Los Angeles, to the many visitors of this quiet mountain town.

“The first time I came to visit Dahlonega was in 2008, and we parked on the plaza in this little town, and I got out of the car and was like, ‘Oh my God, I love it here.’ Fresh mountain air – it’s clean, small, and the people are nice. This is what I want to do.” Grant continues, “We’ve only been here six months, but we’ve been welcomed with open arms, and people are excited about what we’ve brought to the community. There’s a big art community here, so we fit right in.”

While the boutique is a mainstay for Searcey creations, it also features items made by other artists, a fact the Searceys are proud of. The store’s pieces are crafted by artists, many of whom are considered to be the best in the nation. Their art reflects the time, commitment and creativity they dedicate to their craft, and Grant would eventually like to host events where visitors can interact with the artists to learn more about their art and the inspiration behind it.

The Searceys are in the process of incorporating natural elements like moss and birds nests into the store’s decor to further connect customers to the beautiful nature that surrounds them. Connecting to nature is not a new concept, but the jewelry it inspires holds a uniqueness all its own. Channel the heavens and the wondrous flora and fauna through the fresh, distinctive designs at Searcey Jewelry and More.

Searcey Jewelry and More is located at 10 South Chestatee Street in Dahlonega. for more information.

Written for Southern Distinction March 2012

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